Sunday, 30 October 2011

Welcome to Dustrum

Here's an establishing shot for the city of Dustrum, where the story begins:

Had fun doing this one and learnt a couple of things (which is always good!).

More soon!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Blizzcon Sculpt Update.

Hey there,

Just a quick BPR render in Zbrush after a little more polishing of this guy:

And here's a turntable of the full bust:

Cairne Bloodhoof Blizzcon Sculpt from Nick Carver on Vimeo.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Blizzcon Sculpt

Hey guys,

Here's the sculpt of now-deceased Tauren leader Cairne Bloodhoof I made for the Blizzcon charity auction that I worked on during the artists' demo:

There's still some work to be done on it, but eventually this is going to be 3d printed and given to the highest bidder. I'll make sure to upload some pics of the actual printed sculpt.

Right, back to The Race Project. What to do, what to do...

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Shameless Self Promotion

Hi there,

No new artwork from me just yet, but I wanted to let you know that I will be doing a Zbrush demo on the Artists' Stage at Blizzcon this Friday. So if anyone reading this is attending the con, then drop by and say hello. I will be demoing along with Arnold Tsang and Justin Kunz so it should be good fun! The Artists Stage was my favourite part of Blizzcon last year and I recommend checking it out. I promise actual new art next time I post.


Saturday, 8 October 2011

100 Horsepower Racer

Hey guys,

Here's a vehicle design for the Race Project that I thumbnailed out aaaaages ago. Hope you like it!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Cathedral of Industry: Story Frames

Here's a couple of sequential pictures for a particular part of the story. I'm planning to do a few more to try and see if I can get a feel for the action moving along between each cut.

I often do quick 3d blockouts for these images to find the most suitable camera positions and also to use as a rough basis for the painting. Here is an example of something I might start with:

More soon - cheers!