Happy Sunday!
I've not had much opportunity for finishing new work this week, but here are some quick mockups of page layouts for the book (coming before the end of the year, hopefully!). Nothing fancy, just trying to work out how many images to use on different pages. I have about 100ish pictures that I'm considering using at the moment and I reckon I'll average about 3 images per 2 page spread. So by my crude arithmetic, that means I currently have enough for about a 60 page book - I'm aiming to get somewhere around 100 pages eventually. I'm planning to do some step-by-steps for different techniques that will spread things out a little more and there'll be a fair amount of text devoted to the story and explaining the visual development, but as it stands I'm still a long way from having all the images I want. We'll see how much I can get done in the next 6-9 months... Text and everything else super temp BTW...

I also managed to do a concept for that sculpt I started last week. I'm still trying to decide on a definite aesthetic for presenting characters. I'll keep experimenting for now...

More soon,