Sunday, 15 March 2009

Recent Doodlings

I've been very busy with one thing and another lately, but here's a few bits and pieces I've managed to doodle lately:


Ryan Stevenson said...

I've been waiting for an update and you didn't fail to deliver, lovely as always Nick.

Ben Mauro said...

I'm doing some contract work over at Insomniac, got to see some of your work for the same project. Great stuff Nick!

Nick Carver said...

Ryan: Cheers, fella! Good to see you updating again.

Ben Mauro: I'm having a lot of fun working on the stuff for Insomniac! Hopefully I'll get to see what you've been up to for the project. Cheers!

Fabian said...

Beyond amazing designs! I just discover your blog, i'll keep visiting! :)

Unknown said...

Amazing work sir- great design and execution and original to boot. cheers!

g said...

hey man, great works around here! keep it up!

Scott Robinson said...

Hey Nick. You work is looking stunning these days mate. Keep up the good fight there mate and have a laugh at my blog if you have a minute :D

All the best mate
(will add you to my blog roll if thats ok)