Here's a few things I've been tinkering with. Another foray into the unforgiving world of colour. The car doesn't look like it'll make it:
Drawing hands is most hard. I thought I better do a few studies to try and be less awful at 'em.
This a photo of a ship breaking yard that I tweaked and painted into:
Japan 2025
Between the 1 of April and the 6 of May. I will travel around Japan, having
exhibitions and signing prints in Art Print Japan shops.
1 day ago
Ha thats insane coincidence nick! I am working on a robot yard piece at the moment too and its a foray into working from an initial photograph! Spooky. Lovely hands mate. The blue in the car jump piece is ace but the green feels a little off. It is sketchies on sat will try and Skype after mate.
Nicholas you are ON FIRE at the moment. Loving the jumpy car one. By another strange coincidence I have also been drawing hands to practice, but in my case they don't look so much like hands.
Excellent dump. Some very sweet stuff.
Thanks guys!
Jake: I think it's the Hawken excitement that's doing it! Yeah, I always have trouble balancing greens, do I need more blues in there? More yellows and oranges? I dunno... Can't do Skype on Sat I'm afrid but should be about on Sunday morning.
Dan: I hate drawing hands - most of mine end up looking like a bag of spanners, especially when I work completely from my head. I think I might just draw those little legoman hands at the ends of everyone's wrists from now on!
Roland: Cheers! Great work on your blog!
Once again, great strong values!
Homeowner Insurance
Strong stuff, the last image is a bit confusing in it's composition though! I'm not claiming im some sort of master by the way, still a student, and otherwise great work! You said colour was unforgiving, do you say that because you're new to it or something? I can't tell
Cool stuff. Love the first image and the leaf blower guy in the next post. Keep it up.
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